Open Gym Inquiry Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your Name *FirstLastAthlete Name *FirstLastBest Email To Reach You? *Best Phone Number To Reach You? *What Grade Is Your Athlete In Currently? *5th6th7th8th9th10th11th12thWhat Position(s) does Your Athlete Typically Play? Check All That Apply.PitcherCatcherFirst BaseSecond BaseThird BaseShortstopCorner OFCenterfieldWhat Best Describes How Much Your Athlete Has Trained In A Weight Room? *Hasn't workout very much to this point.Works out a few times a week but doesn't really have much direction.Has trained a few times a week for a few yearsMy kid has trained with guidance from a professional but is looking for someone to help with baseball/softball specific movementsHow Competitive Was The Most Recent Level Of Baseball Your Son Played? *Not Competitive At AllModerately CompetitiveVery CompetitiveSubmit